Namespace Aptos
- Account
Abstract class representing a signer account.
- AptosClient
Creates an instance of the AptosClient with a given AptosConfig. This client is used to interface with the Aptos blockchain and perform various operations such as querying the blockchain, submitting transactions, and interacting with the Aptos network.
- AptosConfig
Instantiate a new instance of the AptosConfig class. This class is used to configure the AptosClient, its dependencies, and endpoints. See the Networks class for a predefined list of networks.
- Ed25519Account
Represents an Ed25519 signer used to sign transaction with a Ed25519 private key.
- GenerateEntryFunctionPayloadData
Represents a payload data for an entry function.
- GenerateViewFunctionPayloadData
Represents a payload data for a view function.
- MultiKeyAccount
Represents a MultiKey signer used to sign transactions with the MultiKey authentication scheme.
This accounts to use a M of N signing scheme. M and N are specified in the MultiKey. It signs messages via the array of M number of Accounts that individually correspond to a public key in the MultiKey.
- NetworkConfig
The network configuration for an AptosConfig for all endpoints used by the AptosClient.
- PublicKeySignature
Cryptographic signatures typically using a private key to sign a message or transaction.
- ResourceStruct.InnerStruct
Resource structs will have an inner struct inside a vec. The inner struct will contain the account address, module name, and struct name. Typically the module name and struct name will be in hex format.
Example of 0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin struct: { account_address: "0x1", module_name: "0x6170746f735f636f696e", struct_name: "0x4170746f73436f696e", }
- Signature
Base signatures for anything signed (not specific to signing transactions/messages). This may include all signatures needed for ZK proofs, Certificates, etc.
- IVerifyingKey
A verifying key represents a collection of public keys that can be used to verify signatures or derive authentication keys. This interface is typically implemented to collect public keys for Account Authenticators.