@aptos-labs/ts-sdk - v0.0.0

Typescript SDK for Aptos

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The Aptos TypeScript SDK provides a convenient way to interact with the Aptos blockchain using TypeScript. It offers a set of utility functions, classes, and types to simplify the integration process and enhance developer productivity.

This repository supports version >= 0.0.0 of the Aptos SDK npm package.


For use in Node.js or a web application

Install with your favorite package manager such as npm, yarn, or pnpm:

npm install @aptos-labs/ts-sdk
For use in a browser

You can add the SDK to your web application using a script tag:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@aptos-labs/ts-sdk@latest/dist/index.global.js" />

Then, the SDK can be accessed through window.aptosSDK.

Documentation and examples

  • The Aptos documentation site provides step-by-step instructions, code snippets, and best practices to use this library.
  • For in-depth examples, check out the examples folder with ready-made package.json files to get you going quickly!


To run the SDK tests, simply run from the root of this repository:

pnpm test


If you found a bug or would like to request a feature, please file an issue. If, based on the discussion on an issue you would like to offer a code change, please make a pull request. If neither of these describes what you would like to contribute, checkout out the contributing guide.

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