Representation of a Raw Transaction that can serialized and deserialized

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  • RawTransactions contain the metadata and payloads that can be submitted to Aptos chain for execution. RawTransactions must be signed before Aptos chain can execute them.


    • sender: AccountAddress

      The sender Account Address

    • sequence_number: bigint

      Sequence number of this transaction. This must match the sequence number stored in the sender's account at the time the transaction executes.

    • payload: TransactionPayload

      Instructions for the Aptos Blockchain, including publishing a module, execute an entry function or execute a script payload.

    • max_gas_amount: bigint

      Maximum total gas to spend for this transaction. The account must have more than this gas or the transaction will be discarded during validation.

    • gas_unit_price: bigint

      Price to be paid per gas unit.

    • expiration_timestamp_secs: bigint

      The blockchain timestamp at which the blockchain would discard this transaction.

    • chain_id: ChainId

      The chain ID of the blockchain that this transaction is intended to be run on.

    Returns RawTransaction


chain_id: ChainId
expiration_timestamp_secs: bigint
gas_unit_price: bigint
max_gas_amount: bigint
sequence_number: bigint


  • Serializes a Serializable value to its BCS representation. This function is the Typescript SDK equivalent of bcs::to_bytes in Move.

    Returns Uint8Array

    the BCS representation of the Serializable instance as a byte buffer

  • Helper function to get a value's BCS-serialized bytes as a Hex instance.

    Returns Hex

    a Hex instance with the BCS-serialized bytes loaded into its underlying Uint8Array

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