Enumeration TypeTagParserErrorType

Enumeration Members

InvalidModuleNameCharacter: "module name must only contain alphanumeric or '_' characters"
InvalidStructNameCharacter: "struct name must only contain alphanumeric or '_' characters"
InvalidTypeTag: "unknown type"
MissingTypeArgumentClose: "no matching '>' for '<'"
TypeArgumentCountMismatch: "type argument count doesn't match expected amount"
UnexpectedComma: "unexpected ','"
UnexpectedGenericType: "unexpected generic type"
UnexpectedPrimitiveTypeArguments: "primitive types not expected to have type arguments"
UnexpectedStructFormat: "unexpected struct format, must be of the form 0xaddress::module_name::struct_name"
UnexpectedTypeArgumentClose: "unexpected '>'"
UnexpectedVectorTypeArgumentCount: "vector type expected to have exactly one type argument"
UnexpectedWhitespaceCharacter: "unexpected whitespace character"

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