NOTE: Only use this class for account addresses. For other hex data, e.g. transaction hashes, use the Hex class.

AccountAddress is used for working with account addresses. Account addresses, when represented as a string, generally look like these examples:

  • 0x1
  • 0xaa86fe99004361f747f91342ca13c426ca0cccb0c1217677180c9493bad6ef0c

Proper formatting and parsing of account addresses is defined by AIP-40. To learn more about the standard, read the AIP here:

The comments in this class make frequent reference to the LONG and SHORT formats, as well as "special" addresses. To learn what these refer to see AIP-40.

Hierarchy (view full)




data: Uint8Array

This is the internal representation of an account address.

FOUR: AccountAddress = ...
LENGTH: number = 32

The number of bytes that make up an account address.


The length of an address string in LONG form without a leading 0x.

ONE: AccountAddress = ...
THREE: AccountAddress = ...
TWO: AccountAddress = ...
ZERO: AccountAddress = ...


  • Return whether AccountAddresses are equal. AccountAddresses are considered equal if their underlying byte data is identical.


    Returns boolean

    true if the AccountAddresses are equal, false if not.

  • Serialize the AccountAddress to a Serializer instance's data buffer.


    • serializer: Serializer

      The serializer to serialize the AccountAddress to.

    Returns void



    const serializer = new Serializer();
    const address = AccountAddress.fromString("0x1");
    const bytes = serializer.toUint8Array();
    // `bytes` is now the BCS-serialized address.
  • NOTE: Prefer to use toString where possible.

    Whereas toString will format special addresses (as defined by isSpecial) using the SHORT form (no leading 0s), this format the address in the LONG format unconditionally.

    This means it will be 0x + 64 hex characters.

    Returns `0x${string}`

    AccountAddress as a string in LONG form.

  • NOTE: Prefer to use toString where possible.

    Whereas toString will format special addresses (as defined by isSpecial) using the SHORT form (no leading 0s), this function will include leading zeroes. The string will not have a leading zero.

    This means it will be 64 hex characters without a leading 0x.

    Returns string

    AccountAddress as a string in LONG form without a leading 0x.

  • NOTE: Prefer to use toString where possible.

    Return the AccountAddress as a string as per AIP-40 but without the leading 0x.

    Learn more by reading the docstring of toString.

    Returns string

    AccountAddress as a string conforming to AIP-40 but without the leading 0x.

  • Get the inner hex data. The inner data is already a Uint8Array so no conversion is taking place here, it just returns the inner data.

    Returns Uint8Array

    Hex data as Uint8Array

  • Deserialize an AccountAddress from the byte buffer in a Deserializer instance.


    • deserializer: Deserializer

      The deserializer to deserialize the AccountAddress from.

    Returns AccountAddress

    An instance of AccountAddress.


    const bytes = hexToBytes("0x0102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132");
    const deserializer = new Deserializer(bytes);
    const address = AccountAddress.deserialize(deserializer);
    // `address` is now an instance of AccountAddress.
  • NOTE: This function has relaxed parsing behavior. For strict behavior, please use the fromStringStrict function. Where possible use fromStringStrict rather than this function, fromString is only provided for backwards compatibility.

    Creates an instance of AccountAddress from a hex string.

    This function allows all formats defined by AIP-40. In short this means the following formats are accepted:

    • LONG, with or without leading 0x
    • SHORT, with or without leading 0x


    • LONG is 64 hex characters.
    • SHORT is 1 to 63 hex characters inclusive.
    • Padding zeroes are allowed, e.g. 0x0123 is valid.

    Learn more about the different address formats by reading AIP-40:


    • input: string

      A hex string representing an account address.

    Returns AccountAddress

    An instance of AccountAddress.

  • NOTE: This function has strict parsing behavior. For relaxed behavior, please use the fromString function.

    Creates an instance of AccountAddress from a hex string.

    This function allows only the strictest formats defined by AIP-40. In short this means only the following formats are accepted:

    • LONG
    • SHORT for special addresses


    • LONG is defined as 0x + 64 hex characters.
    • SHORT for special addresses is 0x0 to 0xf inclusive without padding zeroes.

    This means the following are not accepted:

    • SHORT for non-special addresses.
    • Any address without a leading 0x.

    Learn more about the different address formats by reading AIP-40:


    • input: string

      A hex string representing an account address.

    Returns AccountAddress

    An instance of AccountAddress.