Represents the configuration settings for an Aptos SDK client instance. This class allows customization of various endpoints and client settings.

import { Aptos, AptosConfig, Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";

async function runExample() {
// Create a configuration for connecting to the Aptos testnet
const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.TESTNET });

// Initialize the Aptos client with the configuration
const aptos = new Aptos(config);

console.log("Aptos client initialized:", aptos);


  • Initializes an instance of the Aptos client with the specified settings. This allows users to configure various aspects of the client, such as network and endpoints.


    • Optionalsettings: AptosSettings

      Optional configuration settings for the Aptos client.

    Returns AptosConfig

    import { Aptos, AptosConfig, Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";

    async function runExample() {
    // Create a new Aptos client with default settings
    const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.TESTNET }); // Specify the network
    const aptos = new Aptos(config);

    console.log("Aptos client initialized:", aptos);


  • Returns the URL endpoint to send the request to based on the specified API type. If a custom URL was provided in the configuration, that URL is returned. Otherwise, the URL endpoint is derived from the network.


    • apiType: AptosApiType

      The type of Aptos API to get the URL for. This can be one of the following: FULLNODE, FAUCET, INDEXER, PEPPER, PROVER.

    Returns string

    import { Aptos, AptosConfig, Network, AptosApiType } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";

    const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.TESTNET });
    const aptos = new Aptos(config);

    async function runExample() {
    // Getting the request URL for the FULLNODE API
    const url = config.getRequestUrl(AptosApiType.FULLNODE);
    console.log("Request URL for FULLNODE:", url);
  • Checks if the provided URL is a known pepper service endpoint.


    • url: string

      The URL to check against the known pepper service endpoints.

    Returns boolean

    import { Aptos, AptosConfig, Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";

    const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.TESTNET });
    const aptos = new Aptos(config);

    async function runExample() {
    const url = "https://example.pepper.service"; // replace with a real pepper service URL

    // Check if the URL is a known pepper service endpoint
    const isPepperService = config.isPepperServiceRequest(url);

    console.log(`Is the URL a known pepper service? ${isPepperService}`);
  • Checks if the provided URL is a known prover service endpoint.


    • url: string

      The URL to check against known prover service endpoints.

    Returns boolean

    A boolean indicating whether the URL is a known prover service endpoint.

    import { Aptos, AptosConfig, Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";

    const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.TESTNET });
    const aptos = new Aptos(config);

    // Check if the URL is a known prover service endpoint
    const url = ""; // replace with a real URL if needed
    const isProver = config.isProverServiceRequest(url);

    console.log(`Is the URL a known prover service? ${isProver}`);


client: Client

The client instance the SDK uses. Defaults to `@aptos-labs/aptos-client

clientConfig?: ClientConfig

Optional client configurations

faucet?: string

The optional hardcoded faucet URL to send requests to instead of using the network

faucetConfig?: FaucetConfig

Optional specific Faucet configurations

fullnode?: string

The optional hardcoded fullnode URL to send requests to instead of using the network

fullnodeConfig?: ClientHeadersType

Optional specific Fullnode configurations

indexer?: string

The optional hardcoded indexer URL to send requests to instead of using the network

indexerConfig?: ClientHeadersType

Optional specific Indexer configurations

network: Network

The Network that this SDK is associated with. Defaults to DEVNET

pepper?: string

The optional hardcoded pepper service URL to send requests to instead of using the network

prover?: string

The optional hardcoded prover service URL to send requests to instead of using the network