Class AccountAuthenticatorMultiKey

Represents an account authenticator that supports multiple keys and signatures for multi-signature scenarios.

The public keys used for authentication.

The signatures corresponding to the public keys.

Hierarchy (view full)

Implementation - BCS

  • Serializes a Serializable value to its BCS representation. This function is the TypeScript SDK equivalent of bcs::to_bytes in Move.

    Returns Uint8Array

    the BCS representation of the Serializable instance as a byte buffer.

  • Converts the BCS-serialized bytes of a value into a Hex instance. This function provides a Hex representation of the BCS-serialized data for easier handling and manipulation.

    Returns Hex

    A Hex instance with the BCS-serialized bytes loaded into its underlying Uint8Array.

Implementation - Transactions




public_keys: MultiKey
signatures: MultiKeySignature