Class RawTransaction


  • RawTransaction


  • RawTransactions contain the metadata and payloads that can be submitted to Aptos chain for execution. RawTransactions must be signed before Aptos chain can execute them.


    • sender: AccountAddress

      Account address of the sender.

    • sequence_number: bigint

      Sequence number of this transaction. This must match the sequence number stored in the sender's account at the time the transaction executes.

    • payload: TxnBuilderTypes.TransactionPayload

      Instructions for the Aptos Blockchain, including publishing a module, execute a entry function or execute a script payload.

    • max_gas_amount: bigint

      Maximum total gas to spend for this transaction. The account must have more than this gas or the transaction will be discarded during validation.

    • gas_unit_price: bigint

      Price to be paid per gas unit.

    • expiration_timestamp_secs: bigint

      The blockchain timestamp at which the blockchain would discard this transaction.

    • chain_id: ChainId

      The chain ID of the blockchain that this transaction is intended to be run on.

    Returns RawTransaction


chain_id: ChainId

The chain ID of the blockchain that this transaction is intended to be run on.

expiration_timestamp_secs: bigint

The blockchain timestamp at which the blockchain would discard this transaction.

gas_unit_price: bigint

Price to be paid per gas unit.

max_gas_amount: bigint

Maximum total gas to spend for this transaction. The account must have more than this gas or the transaction will be discarded during validation.

Instructions for the Aptos Blockchain, including publishing a module, execute a entry function or execute a script payload.

Account address of the sender.

sequence_number: bigint

Sequence number of this transaction. This must match the sequence number stored in the sender's account at the time the transaction executes.


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