Account implementation for the Keyless authentication scheme.

Used to represent a Keyless based account and sign transactions with it.

Use KeylessAccount.create to instantiate a KeylessAccount with a JWT, proof and EphemeralKeyPair.

When the proof expires or the JWT becomes invalid, the KeylessAccount must be instantiated again with a new JWT, EphemeralKeyPair, and corresponding proof.

Hierarchy (view full)



accountAddress: AccountAddress

Account address associated with the account

aud: string

The value of the 'aud' claim on the JWT, also known as client ID. This is the identifier for the dApp's OIDC registration with the identity provider.

ephemeralKeyPair: EphemeralKeyPair

The EphemeralKeyPair used to generate sign.

jwt: string

The JWT token used to derive the account

pepper: Uint8Array

A value contains 31 bytes of entropy that preserves privacy of the account. Typically fetched from a pepper provider.

proof: undefined | ZeroKnowledgeSig

The zero knowledge signature (if ready) which contains the proof used to validate the EphemeralKeyPair.

proofOrPromise: ZeroKnowledgeSig | Promise<ZeroKnowledgeSig>

The proof of the EphemeralKeyPair or a promise that provides the proof. This is used to allow for awaiting on fetching the proof.

publicKey: KeylessPublicKey

The KeylessPublicKey associated with the account

signingScheme: SigningScheme

Signing scheme used to sign transactions

uidKey: string

The claim on the JWT to identify a user. This is typically 'sub' or 'email'.

uidVal: string

The value of the uidKey claim on the JWT. This intended to be a stable user identifier.

PEPPER_LENGTH: number = 31


  • Serializes a Serializable value to its BCS representation. This function is the Typescript SDK equivalent of bcs::to_bytes in Move.

    Returns Uint8Array

    the BCS representation of the Serializable instance as a byte buffer