Constructs a MultiKeyAccount instance, which requires multiple signatures for transactions.
The arguments for creating a MultiKeyAccount.
address?: AccountAddressInputAn optional account address input. If not provided, the derived address from the public key will be used.
The multikey of the account consisting of N public keys and a number M representing the required signatures.
An array of M signers that will be used to sign the transaction.
accountAccount address associated with the account
publicPublic key associated with the account
signerAn array of indices where for signer[i], signerIndicies[i] is the index of the corresponding public key in publicKey.publicKeys. Used to derive the right public key to use for verification.
signersThe signers used to sign messages. These signers should correspond to public keys in the MultiKeyAccount's public key. The number of signers should be equal to this.publicKey.signaturesRequired.
signingSigning scheme used to sign transactions
Validates that the Keyless Account can be used to sign transactions.
Sign the given message using the MultiKeyAccount's signers
The data to be signed in HexInput format.
Sign the given transaction using the MultiKeyAccount's signers. This function aggregates signatures from all signers associated with the MultiKeyAccount.
The transaction to be signed.
MultiKeySignature - An object containing the aggregated signatures and a bitmap of the signatures.
Sign a transaction using the account's signers, returning an AccountAuthenticator that contains the signature and the account's public key.
The raw transaction to be signed.
An AccountAuthenticatorMultiKey containing the signature of the transaction along with the account's public key.
Sign a message using the account's signers and return an AccountAuthenticator containing the signature along with the account's public key.
The signing message, represented as binary input in hexadecimal format.
An instance of AccountAuthenticatorMultiKey that includes the signature and the public key.
Verify the given message and signature with the public keys.
This function checks if the provided signatures are valid for the given message using the corresponding public keys.
The arguments for verifying the signature.
A boolean indicating whether the signatures are valid for the message.
fromStatic constructor to create a MultiKeyAccount using the provided public keys and signers.
The arguments for creating a MultiKeyAccount.
The N public keys of the MultiKeyAccount.
The number of signatures required to authorize a transaction.
An array of M signers that will be used to sign the transaction.
MultiKeyAccount - The newly created MultiKeyAccount.
isDetermines if the provided account is a multi-key account.
The account to check.
A boolean indicating whether the account is a multi-key account.
Signer implementation for the MultiKey authentication scheme.
This account utilizes an M of N signing scheme, where M and N are specified in the MultiKey. It signs messages using an array of M accounts, each corresponding to a public key in the MultiKey.
Note: Generating a signer instance does not create the account on-chain.