A class to query all Keyless related queries on Aptos.

More documentation on how to integrate Keyless Accounts see the below Aptos Keyless Integration Guide.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Initializes a new instance of the Aptos class with the provided configuration. This allows you to interact with the Aptos blockchain using the specified network settings.


    • config: AptosConfig

      The configuration settings for connecting to the Aptos network.

    Returns Keyless

    import { Aptos, AptosConfig, Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";

    async function runExample() {
    // Create a new configuration for the Aptos client
    const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.TESTNET }); // Specify your desired network

    // Initialize the Aptos client with the configuration
    const aptos = new Aptos(config);

    console.log("Aptos client initialized:", aptos);
  • Fetches the pepper from the Aptos pepper service API.


    • args: {
          derivationPath?: string;
          ephemeralKeyPair: EphemeralKeyPair;
          jwt: string;

      The arguments for fetching the pepper.

      • OptionalderivationPath?: string

        A derivation path used for creating multiple accounts per user via the BIP-44 standard. Defaults to "m/44'/637'/0'/0'/0".

      • ephemeralKeyPair: EphemeralKeyPair

        The EphemeralKeyPair used to generate the nonce in the JWT token.

      • jwt: string

        JWT token.

    Returns Promise<Uint8Array>

    The pepper which is a Uint8Array of length 31.

    import { Aptos, AptosConfig, Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";

    const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.TESTNET });
    const aptos = new Aptos(config);

    async function runExample() {
    const ephemeralKeyPair = new EphemeralKeyPair(); // create a new ephemeral key pair
    const jwt = "your_jwt_token"; // replace with a real JWT token

    // Fetching the pepper using the provided JWT and ephemeral key pair
    const pepper = await aptos.getPepper({
    // derivationPath: "m/44'/637'/0'/0'/0" // specify your own if needed

    console.log("Fetched pepper:", pepper);
  • Fetches a proof from the Aptos prover service API.


    • args: {
          ephemeralKeyPair: EphemeralKeyPair;
          jwt: string;
          pepper?: HexInput;
          uidKey?: string;

      The arguments for fetching the proof.

      • ephemeralKeyPair: EphemeralKeyPair

        The EphemeralKeyPair used to generate the nonce in the JWT token.

      • jwt: string

        JWT token.

      • Optionalpepper?: HexInput

        The pepper used for the account. If not provided, it will be fetched from the Aptos pepper service.

      • OptionaluidKey?: string

        A key in the JWT token to use to set the uidVal in the IdCommitment.

    Returns Promise<ZeroKnowledgeSig>

    The proof which is represented by a ZeroKnowledgeSig.

    import { Aptos, AptosConfig, Network, EphemeralKeyPair, getPepper } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";

    const config = new AptosConfig({ network: Network.TESTNET });
    const aptos = new Aptos(config);

    async function runExample() {
    const jwt = "your_jwt_token"; // replace with a real JWT token
    const ephemeralKeyPair = new EphemeralKeyPair(); // create a new ephemeral key pair

    // Fetch the proof using the getProof function
    const proof = await aptos.getProof({
    pepper: await getPepper({}), // fetch the pepper if not provided
    uidKey: "sub", // specify the uid key

    console.log("Fetched proof:", proof);
  • This installs a set of FederatedJWKs at an address for a given iss.

    It will fetch the JSON Web Keyset (JWK) set from the well-known endpoint and update the FederatedJWKs at the sender's address to reflect it.


    • args: {
          iss: string;
          jwksUrl?: string;
          options?: InputGenerateTransactionOptions;
          sender: Account;
      • iss: string

        the iss claim of the federated OIDC provider.

      • OptionaljwksUrl?: string

        the URL to find the corresponding JWKs. For supported IDP providers this parameter in not necessary.

      • Optionaloptions?: InputGenerateTransactionOptions
      • sender: Account

        The account that will install the JWKs

    Returns Promise<SimpleTransaction>

    The pending transaction that results from submission.


config: AptosConfig

The configuration settings for connecting to the Aptos network.