Signer implementation for the MultiKey authentication scheme.

This account utilizes an M of N signing scheme, where M and N are specified in the MultiKey. It signs messages using an array of M accounts, each corresponding to a public key in the MultiKey.

Note: Generating a signer instance does not create the account on-chain.



  • Constructs a MultiKeyAccount instance, which requires multiple signatures for transactions.


    • args: {
          address?: AccountAddressInput;
          multiKey: MultiKey;
          signers: Account[];

      The arguments for creating a MultiKeyAccount.

      • Optionaladdress?: AccountAddressInput

        An optional account address input. If not provided, the derived address from the public key will be used.

      • multiKey: MultiKey

        The multikey of the account consisting of N public keys and a number M representing the required signatures.

      • signers: Account[]

        An array of M signers that will be used to sign the transaction.

    Returns MultiKeyAccount


  • Verify the given message and signature with the public keys.

    This function checks if the provided signatures are valid for the given message using the corresponding public keys.


    Returns boolean

    A boolean indicating whether the signatures are valid for the message.

  • Waits for any proofs on KeylessAccount signers to be fetched. This ensures that signing with the KeylessAccount does not fail due to missing proofs.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves when all proofs have been fetched.

  • Static constructor to create a MultiKeyAccount using the provided public keys and signers.


    • args: {
          publicKeys: PublicKey[];
          signaturesRequired: number;
          signers: Account[];

      The arguments for creating a MultiKeyAccount.

      • publicKeys: PublicKey[]

        The N public keys of the MultiKeyAccount.

      • signaturesRequired: number

        The number of signatures required to authorize a transaction.

      • signers: Account[]

        An array of M signers that will be used to sign the transaction.

    Returns MultiKeyAccount

    MultiKeyAccount - The newly created MultiKeyAccount.


accountAddress: AccountAddress

Account address associated with the account

publicKey: MultiKey

Public key associated with the account

signaturesBitmap: Uint8Array
signerIndicies: number[]

An array of indices where for signer[i], signerIndicies[i] is the index of the corresponding public key in publicKey.publicKeys. Used to derive the right public key to use for verification.

signers: Account[]

The signers used to sign messages. These signers should correspond to public keys in the MultiKeyAccount's public key. The number of signers should be equal or greater than this.publicKey.signaturesRequired

signingScheme: SigningScheme

Signing scheme used to sign transactions