Interface EntryFunctionArgument

Represents an argument for entry functions, providing methods to serialize the argument to BCS-serialized bytes and convert it to different formats.

interface EntryFunctionArgument {
    bcsToBytes(): Uint8Array;
    bcsToHex(): Hex;
    serialize(serializer: Serializer): void;
    serializeForEntryFunction(serializer: Serializer): void;

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Implemented by


  • Converts the BCS-serialized bytes of an argument into a hexadecimal representation. This function is useful for obtaining a Hex instance that encapsulates the BCS-serialized bytes, allowing for easier manipulation and representation of the data.

    Returns Hex

    A Hex instance containing the BCS-serialized bytes.

  • Serialize an argument to BCS-serialized bytes. Serialize an argument as a type-agnostic, fixed byte sequence. The byte sequence contains the number of the following bytes followed by the BCS-serialized bytes for a typed argument.


    • serializer: Serializer

      The serializer used to convert the argument.

    Returns void