Class Secp256k1PublicKey

Represents a Secp256k1 ECDSA public key.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Create a new PublicKey instance from a HexInput, which can be a string or Uint8Array. This constructor validates the length of the provided signature data.


    • hexInput: HexInput

      A HexInput (string or Uint8Array) representing the signature data.

    Returns Secp256k1PublicKey

    Error if the length of the signature data is not equal to Secp256k1Signature.LENGTH.


  • Serializes a Serializable value to its BCS representation. This function is the TypeScript SDK equivalent of bcs::to_bytes in Move.

    Returns Uint8Array

    the BCS representation of the Serializable instance as a byte buffer.

  • Converts the BCS-serialized bytes of a value into a Hex instance. This function provides a Hex representation of the BCS-serialized data for easier handling and manipulation.

    Returns Hex

    A Hex instance with the BCS-serialized bytes loaded into its underlying Uint8Array.

  • Serializes the data into a byte array using the provided serializer. This function is essential for converting data into a format suitable for transmission or storage.


    • serializer: Serializer

      The serializer instance used to convert the data.

    Returns void

  • Verifies a Secp256k1 signature against the public key.

    This function checks the validity of a signature for a given message, ensuring that the signature is canonical as a malleability check.


    Returns boolean

  • Determines if the provided public key is a valid instance of a Secp256k1 public key. This function checks for the presence of a "key" property and validates the length of the key data.


    • publicKey: PublicKey

      The public key to validate.

    Returns publicKey is Secp256k1PublicKey

    A boolean indicating whether the public key is a valid Secp256k1 public key.


LENGTH: number = 65

The length of the Secp256k1 public key in bytes.