Variable $MoveTypeConst

$MoveType: {
    description: "String representation of an on-chain Move type tag that is exposed in transaction payload.\n Values:\n - bool\n - u8\n - u16\n - u32\n - u64\n - u128\n - u256\n - address\n - signer\n - vector: `vector<{non-reference MoveTypeId}>`\n - struct: `{address}::{module_name}::{struct_name}::<{generic types}>`\n\n Vector type value examples:\n - `vector<u8>`\n - `vector<vector<u64>>`\n - `vector<0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>>`\n\n Struct type value examples:\n - `0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>\n - `0x1::account::Account`\n\n Note:\n 1. Empty chars should be ignored when comparing 2 struct tag ids.\n 2. When used in an URL path, should be encoded by url-encoding (AKA percent-encoding).\n ";
    pattern: "^(bool|u8|u64|u128|address|signer|vector<.+>|0x[0-9a-zA-Z:_<, >]+)$";
    type: "string";
} = ...

Type declaration

  • description: "String representation of an on-chain Move type tag that is exposed in transaction payload.\n Values:\n - bool\n - u8\n - u16\n - u32\n - u64\n - u128\n - u256\n - address\n - signer\n - vector: `vector<{non-reference MoveTypeId}>`\n - struct: `{address}::{module_name}::{struct_name}::<{generic types}>`\n\n Vector type value examples:\n - `vector<u8>`\n - `vector<vector<u64>>`\n - `vector<0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>>`\n\n Struct type value examples:\n - `0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>\n - `0x1::account::Account`\n\n Note:\n 1. Empty chars should be ignored when comparing 2 struct tag ids.\n 2. When used in an URL path, should be encoded by url-encoding (AKA percent-encoding).\n "
  • pattern: "^(bool|u8|u64|u128|address|signer|vector<.+>|0x[0-9a-zA-Z:_<, >]+)$"
  • type: "string"

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